Tag: Legislature

  • Exceptions to Principles of Natural Justice: Part II

    Exceptions to Principles of Natural Justice: Part II

    By Adv. Shriya Maini. First Part of this Series, can be accessed here. Exclusion in Emergency: Hurry versus Hearing Whether it is for public safety, public interest, public health or public morality- the action, preventive or remedial, that is needed, is the requirement of notice and where a hearing may be obviated, would be exceptional…

  • An Analysis of Judicial Accountability in India

    An Analysis of Judicial Accountability in India

    By Akash Agarwal, Amity Law School, Noida. Accountability and Transparency are the two big-wig cornerstones of any democratic establishment for providing justice to the general public. However, the form of transparency and accountability may vary from one state to another depending upon certain  relevant factors.  In a democratic country like India, adhering to  the concept of separation…