Gig Economy in India: Scope for Policy Regulations & Interventions

The COVID crisis has brought out one of the major downsides of the gig economy. With the current model that majorly favors the employers and has no protection for the employee in times of crisis, it is uncertain that the gig economy can survive without major policy interventions regarding incentives for employees and regulations for employers. For the gig economy to flourish sustainably in India, an affirmative policy push is required in the direction of providing a fiscal stimulus by bringing in some characters of the ‘minimum rights approach’ of the EU. With the COVID crisis leading to the loss of physical jobs and questioning the nature of work, it seems like an apt juncture to find the right amount of regulation for the gig economy in India.

In this Policy Brief, we assess the current status of the gig economy in India and through our research findings suggest necessary policy reforms crucial for its survival in the backdrop of how the COVID-19 crisis would reshape the gig economy.

Click here to read the Policy Brief

Important Documents:

Advocacy Advancement Letter to the Government Stakeholders