Tag: Public Policy

  • Dovetailing Livelihood with Literacy

    Dovetailing Livelihood with Literacy

    By Annapurna Sinharay, Symbiosis Law School, Pune. Karl Marx vilified the education system as an instrument in the hands of the evil capitalists to train a pliant labour force. However, the widespread unemployment plaguing the country today has reduced the system to one of a much benign nature, hopefully to Marx’s liking. Among the many…

  • The Policy Troupe: Almora Deliberation

    The Policy Troupe: Almora Deliberation

    We are committed to facilitate the learning curve for all potential leaders and change-makers as far as policy awareness, formulation and assessment is concerned. The Policy Troupe, our residential policy innovation workshop, has therefore been designed to nurture and fuel your thoughts, and initiate you into the realm of public policy. How does it work?…

  • Of Law and Policy…

    Of Law and Policy…

    By Tanya Chandra, Founder, LexQuest Foundation. At LexQuest, we have come to believe that thus far, our most well received articles are the ones which are purely legal in nature, and delve deeper into various facets of a certain aspect of law alone. Now, we know fully well that the dearth of good legal literature…